Sunday, January 6, 2013

Twelve Months of 2013

I'm a reader. Nothing makes me happier than a great book.  I'd rather read than watch tv.  Some books are like sitcoms, some are epic dramas- doesn't matter, I'll pretty much read them all.  I try to read a little nonfiction along with my glut of fiction and paranormal crime novels.  I try for one nonfiction to every couple of YA that end up in my library bag.  I feel like it balances things out.

This year instead of just reading my usual physics or math theory for the masses nonfiction, I'm aiming for 12 different topics. One per month for 2013.

The problem is deciding which topics for which months.

I've decided to start January with Anthropology.  I've got some great Anthro books at the house from my aborted attempt to create a course for my son. I also have enough elementary resources that I can keep my 1st grader busy learning a little along with me. Or at least keep her busy with some somewhat educational things while I get my read on.

So now I just have 11 more months to plan out!

So internet explorers what books do you recommend for anthropology January?  What topics do you suggest for the remaining 11 months?

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