Friday, June 27, 2014

Transform-Loot Crate Review

I spend a lot of time on girl stuff.  The tutus, bows and other things I make so that my daughter (and others) can indulge their girlyside and express her fandom.  So much time that I don't always spend as much time looking for things for my 14 yr old son to express his fandom- it's not as hard for boys to find stuff that features superheros and games and Star Wars, after all!

I ran across something called Loot Crate a couple months ago.  It's a subscription box service perfect for gamers and sci fi fans.  Every month has a different theme and is shipped out on the 20th of the month.  I read up on it and watched some video reviews and when I saw a chance to save 10% on a new subscription I went for it. Our first month was May and the theme was Adventure.  It was an awesome crate and I wish I would have taken pictures to share, it included an awesome Legend of Zelda shirt, Adventure Time and Minecraft goodies and more.  With the discount code it comes in at around $20 a month including the shipping charge.  The two months that we have subsribed both included t shirts, so I think that's a great deal!

June's theme was Tranform and was partly curated by the folks at Major League Gaming.  I knew we needed to keep our subscription because my son has been a giant transformers fan since birth!
Here is our June Loot Crate unboxing!

 First look- an exclusive tshirt and something Starscream!

First lets look at the Starscream-

This hexbug may have been my favorite thing- we have so many hexbugs at our house but this is our first Bumblebee Hexbug!  

 My son loved the MLG- Major League Gaming wristband. Perfect to wear when you're playing xbox live with your buddies.

 Then there were some decals and stickers, a "magazine" about the items in the box and this month's theme. Every month there is also a pin that matches the month's theme- like a badge.

 I loved the shirt- a Transformers/Back the Future mashup:)

I think it's a great deal and have been impressed with the last two crates.  The July theme has just been announced as Villains and will include a Marvel exclusive!  Check it out here-LOOT CRATE Use the code VILLAINS and save 10% on your subscription!

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